Jazz Sinfoncio – Loja, Eucador (3/14 thru 18, 2011)

I was the featured artist with the Loja Symphony Orchestra (LSO) on their first all jazz program – Jazz Sinfoncio.  This was a wonderful experience playing arrangements for full string section, harp, one woodwind and jazz rhythm section.  My friends Kristina Krit (Russia) and Anderson Pessoa (Brazil) arranged special works for the ensemble.   In addition to Jazz Sinfooncio, I visited and worked with the students and faculty from Conservatorio Salvador Bustamante Celi.  The Conservatorio administrators and I also made plans to develop a jazz program for their institution.

Performance Videos

You Don’t Know What Love Is – Ray de Paul (arr by K. Krit)
What Is This Thing Called Love – Cole Porter (arr by K. Krit)
On A Clear Day – Burton Lane (arr by K. Krit)
I Love Paris – Cole Porter (arr by K. Krit)
They Say That Falling In Love – Irving Berlin (arr by K. Krit)
Arroio (The Creek) – Victor Assis Brasil (arr by A. Pessoa)