Hora Certa

(Released 2016 on CD Baby)

HORA CERTA – released July 2016. Available from CDBaby and by directly contacting Michael Tracy.

Performers include: Michael Tracy, tenor & soprano saxophones; Eudes Carvalho, guitar; Flavio Silva, piano; Hamilton Pinheiro, bass; Pedro Almeida, drums

Recorded at Estúdio Togni in Brasilia, Brazil
Recording Engineer – Lautaro Wlasenkov
Editing/Mixing – Hamilton Pinheiro
Mastering – Tim Haertel
Cover Art – Marta Montagnana
Layout – John Ritz

I love being in Brazil, being around my Brazilian friends in their homeland and in the States. I love their spirit, their joy of life. Their food is incredible. The beaches, waterfalls, vast landscapes and even the crazy city life are beautiful and exciting. Of course I love their music – Jobim, Hermeto, João Donato, Chico Pinheiro, Mauricio Einhorn, and my special favorite Moacir Santos. I have learned so much from all.

My ‘Brazilian journey’ started in 1998, my first of many trips. It is my hope that this recording shares that ‘journey’, that love of the music, the life of this country and its people. The tunes are all originals written by and recorded with friends – two sessions with little rehearsal, a total of three intense days, but what a fun time. I hope you will enjoy the ‘journey’ with me.

Michael Tracy



More recordings by Mike Tracy:

  • Fotografia
  • Surfboard
  • Wingspan
  • Conversations
  • Gusting
  • Tracings
  • Facets