When transferring to UofL in 1970, never could I have imagined in my wildest dreams that I would retire from the School of Music fifty-four years later. That just seems incredible, to be associated with any one place that long much less the close association with faculty, administrators, staff and especially the students. I am proud of what I was able to accomplish, primarily building a full-fledged jazz program from nothing and getting to meet so many others from throughout the world. The University and School of Music afforded me opportunities to experience many things others only dream of – I got to dream and dream big. I am thankful for their trust in me and trust in what I believed in but, as with all things, there is a time to pass those opportunities on to others.
When asked how I would like to celebrate my retirement, the answer was easy. In the late 90’s my friend and colleague John La Barbera wrote a piece for jazz trio, orchestra and solo tenor saxophone for my CD Facets. We did record ASSUMPTION but never had the opportunity to play it live and I had wanted to do so for years. I reached out to another friend and colleague, Kimcherie Lloyd, to see if she and the SofM Symphony Orchestra would be willing to join in the fun. Kim was the conductor for the original recording, so it was a fitting way to make music with friends and students, no better way to tie all together. Thanks to all for making this all possible.
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