Visiting Iceland was quite an experience. I had no idea what to expect and found a place like none I have ever visited. Every where you look there was a spectacular view – glaciers, icebergs, thermal springs, geysers, lava fields that go on forever, lave caves/tubes, black sand beaches, seaside cliffs, vast landscapes and countless waterfalls that are all uniquely amazing. No pollution or trash, a population that respects and admires the country and it’s natural beauty. By the way, the sunsets are overwhelmingly beautiful and last for hours – midnight sun and all. Yes, it was cool (about 60 most days), rained some (we did have a number of rainless days) but a nice break from our summer heat. We even got in a little scenic yoga. The people were friendly and helpful and thank goodness almost everyone spoke English because the Icelandic language is quite odd.
I also met some fantastic musicians, playing at a wonderful jazz club – KEX – the last night in Reykjavík. Check out the following.
KexJazz // Mike Tracy og ASA trió
Á næsta jazzkvöldi KEX hostel, þriðjudaginn 24. Júlí, kemur fram bandaríski saxófónleikarinn Mike Tracy ásamt ASA tríó en trióið skipa þeir Andrés Þór Gunnlaugsson á gítar, Agnar Már Magnússon á orgel og Scott McLemore á trommur. Mike Tracy er yfirmaður jazzdeildar tónlistarháskólans í Louisville, Kentucy. Hann nýtur virðingar bæði sem kennari og flytjandi í miðríkjum Bandaríkjanna. Þeir munu flytja þekkta jazzstandarda. Tónlistin á Kex hostel hefst kl. 20:30 og er aðgangur ókeypis. KEX Hostel er á Skúlagötu 28.
It was a great eight days and the photos will only give you a taste of the experience.
Snæfellsnes peninsula in Iceland July 23, 2018. Our last day in Iceland – a video made by our friend and host Siggi Sveins.