Returning to Quito for my second residency at the Universidad de las Américas (UDLA) Escuela de Música. Great to be back with all my friends at UDLA. It feels like I never left. I will once again spend three weeks working with numerous ensembles, improvisation and jazz history classes, repertoire session and saxophone master classes. The schedule will be busy but quite rewarding, being able to be in contact with most, if not all, of UDLA’s 220 music students.
While exciting in it’s on right, there will be a new wrinkle. Twenty students and faculty from UofL’s jazz program will be joining me at UDLA, helping to complete the exchange of programs. It will be great seeing and hearing our two groups of students interact. It will be quite the experience for everyone.
Thanks to Jay Byron, Director of the UDLA music program, and the Fulbright Senior Specialist Program. This would not be possible without your help and guidance.
… images of UDLA and UofL students and faculty
… images of Mike Tracy at UDLA
I will also be performing a number of times in Quito with UDLA and UofL Faculty, the Hard-Bop Project and with Trialisimo.

In addition to my time at UDLA, I will be performing as guest soloist with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Loja and Music Director Andrea Vale. Joining me will be Marcos Merino – pianist, Cayo Iturralde – bass and Fidel Vargas – drums. We will be featuring the music of Miles Davis – All Blues, Blue ‘n Green and Nardis.
…images of Orquesta Sinfónica de Loja performance and master class
Finally, I will be making a short visit to Guayaquil to present a master class at the Universidad de las Artes. It will be great working with Andrey Astaiza, an old friend an alum of UofL SofM. It will be a very busy but exciting four weeks in Ecuador.
Universidad de las Artes – master class Guayaquil, Ecuador May 2019
…images of Universidad de las Artes master class
…master class promotion video
While music was the primary focus, I was also able to visit interesting places throughout Ecuador. What an amazing country.
… images of Quito, Quilotoa, Toachi Canyon, Loja and Guayaquil