Winton Reynolds

C. Winton Reynolds began studying piano as a young boy while living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Latin American music has had a strong influence on him for as long as he can remember. He received a Masters degree in Jazz Studies and a Doctorate in Composition from the Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University in Bloomington, IN.

He has taught jazz piano, jazz history, and a wide array of music theory courses at
Indiana University, Purdue University, Huston-Tillotson University, the Butler School of Music at UT Austin, and Bellarmine University.

Winton has been active as a freelance pianist/keyboardist and session musician in
Indianapolis, IN, Austin, TX, and Louisville, KY. He has toured throughout the US and Canada as accompanist for Rounder Records recording artist Carrie Newcomer. He has released a CD of his own jazz-fusion compositions and performs this music with his own group at jazz festivals around the country. Winton currently resides in Louisville, KY, where he is active teaching, composing, and performing.

爵士钢琴师 — 温顿•雷诺斯

温顿•雷诺斯小时候生活在巴西里约热内卢,从小学钢琴的他,拉丁美洲音乐深深 渗透了他的每一个细胞。温顿在印第安纳大学雅各布斯音乐学院获得爵士乐硕士学 位,作曲专业音乐艺术博士学位。

他曾在印第安纳大学,普渡大学,休斯顿-蒂洛森大学,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀校区 的巴特勒音乐学院和贝拉明大学任教,教授钢琴爵士乐演奏,爵士乐历史,以及广 泛的音乐理论课。

温顿同时活跃于印第安那普利斯,奥斯汀,路易维尔的爵士乐圈中,担当钢琴师或 键盘手。他曾任Rounder Records唱片公司签约歌手Carrie Newcomer的伴奏,随同 一起在美国和加拿大巡回演出。温顿将自己的爵士融合作品制作成光碟出版发行, 参加各种爵士音乐节。
