The following are excellent articles that anyone interested in succeeding at a college or university should read. I obtained them while advising students from all disciplines. Regretfully I do not have the original sources but I trust that they would not mind my sharing this information.
- What is College All About – Articles by Gilbert Highet, Norman Cousins, and Bertrand Russell on the value of higher education.
- Tests: How to Study – Excellent suggestions on test taking – how and what to study, multiple choice, essay, and key/cue words.
- Study Skills Program Outline for College Students (taken from The College Student: Reading and Study Skills 4th Edition – Spargo, 1994) offers thoughtful and insightful views that students, parents and educators should consider.
- 7 Things Music Educations Majors Can Do to Make Themselves More Employable. Useful insights for all musicians not just Music Educations majors.